Why Your Child May Need a Dental Crown

Why Your Child May Need a Dental CrownIt’s common knowledge that baby teeth fall out and leave room for permanent teeth.  Your child will begin losing their baby teeth around the age of 6 or 7.  Knowing that baby teeth are simply placeholders for permanent teeth can make it confusing when your dentist recommends a crown for your child.  Aren’t their baby teeth just going to fall out anyways?

Baby teeth that fall out too soon due can cause serious consequences for your child down the line.  Having a dental crown placed on your child’s tooth can help prevent the premature loss of baby teeth and stop the spread of tooth decay.

The Importance of Baby Teeth

The reason that baby teeth are so important is because they act as natural placeholders for permanent teeth.  Baby teeth help guide your child’s permanent teeth into place, allowing them to grow straight and preventing any problems down the line.

Your child’s baby teeth aren’t just placeholders, they also allow your child to chew food properly and without pain.  Children need a varied, nutritional diet and it shouldn’t be limited by what foods won’t hurt damaged teeth.

Why Tooth Decay is so Prevalent in Children

Baby teeth are more prone to decay then permanent teeth and that decay can spread quickly.  According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), baby teeth differ from permanent teeth because the enamel in baby teeth isn’t as thick.  The inner pulp of your child’s teeth—which contain nerves and blood cells– are much larger and closer to the surface than in permanent teeth.  Thinner enamel allows tooth decay to spread much more quickly in baby teeth than in adult teeth, making it imperative to correct any issues quickly to prevent premature tooth loss.  Dental crowns are a great option to do just that.

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a cap or cover that is placed over a tooth to restore shape, size and function of the tooth.  Dental crowns are a restorative dental piece that can stop the spread of decay and strengthen teeth.

Having a dental crown placed on your child’s teeth can not only stop the spread of decay, but can help ensure that your child’s baby teeth stay in place until their permanent teeth begin growing in.

How Children’s Crowns are Different From Adults

When a dental crown is placed on an adults tooth, it is custom made to fit the exact shape of that tooth and only partially covers the tooth.  Crowns that are placed on baby teeth are pre-fabricated and will completely cover your child’s tooth.  This helps prevent further decay and preserves the spacing required for permanent teeth.

The material in children’s dental crowns vary as well.  Adult crowns are typically made from gold alloy or porcelain.  Your child’s crown is made with stainless steel, a more cost effective material.

A few benefits to the stainless steel material being used for your child’s crown include:

  • Full coverage of your child’s tooth
  • Reduced sensitivity of tooth
  • Less likely to need re-treatment

A dental crown is a great option to stop the spread of decay in your child’s teeth and to ensure that they keep their baby teeth for as long as necessary.  Give us a call today at (586) 573-7700 to schedule and appointment to stay ahead of tooth decay.