Children’s Dentistry

Back to School: Why Dental Checkups Should Be on Your List

2024-07-31T18:06:13+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

As summer winds down and back-to-school season nears, now is an opportune time for families to focus on their health and well-being. A dental checkup should be among your preparations for an efficient academic year—start yours off right by giving yourself, your family, and your loved ones peace of mind with clean dental health! [...]

What is the Fluoride Varnish Treatment?

2022-11-21T20:55:09+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

Fluoride Varnish Treatment- What is it? It's important for children to have good dental habits early on.  These habits may include having healthy teeth and healthy gums. It should not be a shock that your dentist will mention the importance of good oral hygiene practices even before your child's first tooth comes in. It is [...]

Top 5 Questions To Ask The Dentist In Your Child’s Back-to-School Appointment

2022-09-19T01:43:05+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

Top 5 Questions To Ask The Dentist In Your Child's Back-to-School Appointment One day schools are closing, and before you know it, they are about to open. One of the essential back-to-school things for your child is a healthy smile. In some schools, a back-to-school medical exam is mandatory. Even when it's not, scheduling regular [...]

How To Maintain Children’s Oral Health

2022-04-13T18:31:53+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

How To Maintain Children's Oral Health As a parent, you want to ensure every aspect of your kid’s health is perfect, and this includes his/her oral health. If you are concerned that your children aren’t brushing their teeth appropriately, you might want to give the Oreo test a try! According to dental experts, if your [...]

Caring for Your Child’s Dental Health

2021-12-17T18:02:06+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

Children are susceptible to poor dental and oral hygiene owing to unhealthy eating habits and lack of cleanliness. Pediatric dentistry refers to the branch of dentistry that deals with the oral care and hygiene of infants and children. It involves not only early diagnosis and treatment of dental problems but also advising parents/adults about preventive [...]

Protecting Your Child’s Teeth

2021-01-13T19:42:38+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

Protecting Your Child's Teeth Pediatric dentistry studies physiological and pathological processes in the child's teeth. The tasks of pediatric dentistry are: the prevention and treatment of clinical manifestations of pathological processes in the oral cavity and the teeth, building trust in children to accept dental work, advising the parents and children about possible to act [...]

Tips on What Parents Can Do to Make Their Child Brush Twice Every Day

2020-09-23T17:49:04+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

Tips on What Parents Can Do to Make Their Child Brush Twice Every Day It is hard for parents to convince children to brush their teeth every day, we realized this after we became parents to a beautiful and strong-minded daughter who prefers to do things her way. We spent hours explaining to her why [...]

Dealing with a Chipped Tooth? Here’s What You Need to Know

2020-08-10T00:30:23+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

Dealing with a Chipped Tooth? Here's What You Need to Know A chipped tooth is a common problem that plagues children. Cavities are quite common in children. More often than not, these cavities are what lead to chipped teeth. Similarly, children can also chip a tooth by biting hard into a nut or candy. [...]

Pacifier Use and Thumb Sucking – How to Break This Habit?

2019-03-22T08:44:23+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

Pacifier Use and Thumb Sucking – How to Break This Habit? It is a natural reflex for children to suck their thumbs. You must have noticed that babies like to suck on their thumbs, fingers, and sometimes their entire hand. Sucking on pacifiers is also one of the babies’ favorite habits. Babies and toddlers [...]

Tips for Parents on Dealing with a Chipped Tooth

2019-01-31T20:13:49+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

Tips for Parents on Dealing with a Chipped Tooth A chipped tooth is common in children. Anyone can get a chipped tooth with a little contact. Also weakening of the tooth due to cavities can lead to a chipped tooth. Biting into hard objects such as hard candy or nuts or grinding the teeth [...]

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