How to Prepare for Your Dental Appointment

How to Prepare for Your Dental AppointmentIt may have been awhile since you’ve been to the dentist, or you may be a regular who has an upcoming dental procedure, but many people worry about preparing for their upcoming dental appointment. Many people face dental anxiety to start with, but a new setting or upcoming procedure can exasperate those feelings. One thing that helps quell that anxiety is being properly prepared for your appointment.

So how do people prepare for dental appointments? It seems pretty straightforward, but there are several things that can make your visit go more smoothly. Here are five things you can do to prepare for your next dental appointment or procedure.

  1. Get acquainted with the basics about the practice

 If it’s your first time visiting the office, make sure you feel comfortable with the location. You don’t need the added stress of going somewhere new and driving around in circles. We’ve all dealt with a time when we were on a time crunch and got lost. It’s not a good feeling. Consider saving the office number in your phone in case you do get turned around so we can help!

  1. Have insurance information or payment ready

Make sure you have a basic understanding of your insurance and coverage. Pay attention to information pertaining to co-payments, so you’re not surprised at the counter. Some insurances may not issue a card for dental appointments. Make a point know what other information is needed to ensure your insurance is billed. If you were issued a card, make sure to check that all personal information on the card is correct.

  1. Write a list of concerns you want to be discussed

Before your appointment, write out a list of questions or concerns you want to be addressed. This may include issues such as pain, teeth grinding, or sensitivity. If dental anxiety has been an issue for you in the past, consider adding this topic to your list to ensure that you and your dentist work through any fears. Be honest about your concerns!

  1. Make sure your medical history is updated

We have one body that works together to keep us healthy and feeling good. Make sure to update your medical history to ensure that your dental procedure won’t interfere with any existing medical conditions. For example, if you’re pregnant or have diabetes, you’ll want to let your dentist know to ensure proper precautions are taken. Make sure to keep an up to date list of current medications as well, such as blood thinners or supplements you may be taking.

  1. Get informed about your dental treatment

If you already have a diagnosis or a scheduled procedure, read up on it! Typically your dentist will explain upcoming procedures, but at that moment you may feel a bit overwhelmed. Take the time to read up when you’re calmer. If any questions or concerns come up, you can add those to your list of concerns to discuss with your dentist!

Going in for a dental appointment or procedure doesn’t have to be stressful.  Try using these five tips before your next appointment and come on in to be seen!  Call us today to schedule your appointment!