Warren Family Dentist Gives 3 Tips on Keeping a Healthy Smile This Summer

Warren Family Dentist Gives 3 Tips on Keeping a Healthy Smile This SummerThe anticipation for the end of the school year has finally arrived. The freedom from homework, later bedtimes and the excitement of summer plans is consuming our children’s minds this time of year. Although your routine may be more relaxed during the summer months, be sure to stay focused on your family’s oral hygiene.

  1. Enforce Brushing and Flossing Routines

Your children may be sleeping in and enjoying the fact that they don’t have to rush out the door every morning. However there is one thing you must keep in your morning routine – brushing and flossing. Don’t be surprised if you have to remind the kids a little more often during the summer months. In fact, it may be wise to keep a chart or checklist to make sure your child’s teeth stay healthy and decay free.

  1. Pack Healthy Summer Snacks and Drinks

With the kids home more hours during the day, and their friends coming and going, there is sure to be an increase in snacking. Rather than buy chips, candy or other sweets, stock the kitchen with healthy snacks that are extremely accessible.

Cut up fruits and vegetables so that they are easy for your child to grab on the go. Some other healthy options would be string cheese, yogurt and nuts.

Always try avoid sugary snacks like fruit snacks. These foods stick to your child’s teeth, resulting in a build up in bacteria. Starchy snacks like chips and pretzels can cause the same problem – even though they are not as sweet as gummies or candy. What happens is, the starches break down into sugars and stick to the teeth and even in between teeth.

The same goes for sugary drinks. Stock the fridge with bottled water instead of soda sports drinks or sugary juices. If your child does splurge with a soda once in awhile and can’t brush their teeth afterwards, have them drink water immediately after the sugary drink. This way they are at least rinsing most of the sugar from the teeth and preventing decay.

  1. Schedule Your Back to School Visit Early

Most families schedule back to school dental check ups in August or September. Why not beat the rush and schedule your visit now?

With all of the BBQs, beaches, camping and other summer fun you have planned, it always seems like Labor Day is here before you know it. So you may want to either schedule your appointment for August now before it’s too late, or make an appointment for the beginning of the summer. This will give you one less thing to worry about in the Fall. Plus, you will avoid  having to take your child out of class for a dental visit.

Looking for a Warren Dental Office to Call Home?

If you are searching for a family dentist in Warren, Michigan. Contact Smile Brightly and schedule an appointment with Dr. Apsey, DDS. He has been practicing dentistry in Michigan for over 23 years and both children and adults are welcome in his office.

Call Smile Brightly Today! (586) 573-7700