Fresh Breath

Dr. Apsey Talks About Tackling Bad Breath


Dr. Apsey of Macomb County, Michigan knows that many people suffer from bad breath. This condition may be a sign of gum disease and/or tooth decay and therefore a visit to the dentist is recommended to rule out these contributors. You may also simply have a build-up of sulfur producing bacteria, which are causing the problem. If your mouth is generally healthy, here are some ways to avoid embarrassing encounters with bad breath in a safe and natural way.

Keep A Clean Mouth

• The cleaner your mouth is, the fresher it will smell. Floss and brush after meals whenever possible. You may also use a proxybrush and a water-pik to clean those hard to reach areas between your teeth.
• Use a tongue scraper at least once per day (morning and/or night before bed are good times for this). This is critical as the tongue collects and stores food debris and bacteria.
• Clean your nose, especially when the air gets dryer in the colder times of year, or when seasonal allergies are acting up. A Neti Pot can be purchased at your local drug store. Use ½ teaspoon pure sea salt to a Neti pot of pre-boiled room temperature water
• If you choose to use mouthwash as a temporary fix to the problem, make sure to use a mouthwash that does not contain any alcohol. Oxyfresh mouthwash can be purchased online ( and is the most effective we have found.

Stay Hydrated

• Keeping your body hydrated will help to reduce dry mouth, which is one of the leading causes of bad breath.

Keep A Healthy Diet

• Parsley and other herbs can be added to your diet to help regulate a buildup of toxins in your body, which can cause bad breath. Use daily.
• Along with bacteria in your mouth, bad breath can also be caused by a poor diet. It is important to strive for a healthy diet.
• Apples and yogurt are known help to keep your breath fresher.


Dr. Apsey of Macomb County, Michigan recommends the tips above to keep your mouth feeling, and smelling, fresh. If you believe your bad breath is caused by more than just a bad diet, it is best to talk to your dentist about it as soon as possible.