Pacifier Use and Thumb Sucking – How to Break This Habit?

Pacifier Use and Thumb Sucking – How to Break This Habit?It is a natural reflex for children to suck their thumbs. You must have noticed that babies like to suck on their thumbs, fingers, and sometimes their entire hand. Sucking on pacifiers is also one of the babies’ favorite habits. Babies and toddlers sometimes also such on their fingers or pacifiers as a way to soothe themselves while falling asleep.

Even though those suckling noises are adorable, it is better that you break this habit while they are young. Why, you ask? Keep on reading to get the answer.

Are Thumb Sucking and Pacifier Use Bad for Your Child’s Teeth?

The answer to that question is yes, thumb sucking and pacifier use can affect your child’s teeth and well as the mouth. After your child’s permanent teeth come in, pacifier use and sucking on fingers may cause issues with your child’s teeth alignment and mouth growth. Not just that, both these practices can also cause changes in the roof of your child’s mouth.

Children who have a vigorous habit of thumb sucking are more at risk of getting dental problems than children who just suck passively. If your child is the intensity of thumb sucking is vigorous, they may develop dental issues with their baby teeth as well.

What Age do Children Usually Stop Thumb Sucking?

Most children break this habit on their own between the ages of two and four years. Some children may even continue to suck their thumbs by the time their permanent teeth are ready to come out.

If your child has the habit of thumb sucking, keep an eye on their primary or baby teeth. If you notice any changes, no matter how slight they might be, consult your pediatric dentist right away.

How Can You Help Your Child Break This Habit

Following are some ways you can use to help your child break this habit:

1.      Praise Your Child

Thumb sucking for children is often a way for them to seek comfort. Some children suck their thumbs when they feel insecure. You can break this habit by easing your child’s anxiety and providing them with comfort.

2.      Talk

If your child is old enough to understand, you can sit them down and have a conversation with them. Tell them that this habit can cause problems with their teeth later on. Positive motivation is a great way to help them break this habit. You can also tell them about the germs that are entering their mouth and how they can affect their well-being. No child wants to miss their play date!

3.      Dentist

If these methods don’t work, you can ask your dentist to prescribe a bitter medication that you can coat on your child’s thumb. That way, they will be less inclined to suck their thumb. Bandaging your child’s thumb can also help break this habit.

If you are looking for a Dentist, try Smile Brightly in Warren, MI.  Dr. Apsey would love the opportunity to meet you and your little one and ensure their oral health is the best it can be!  Give our office a call today at 586-573-7700!