Dentist Near Clinton TwpAre you one of those busy people that slack on their brushing and flossing during the holidays? We’ve all done it a time or two; getting home late after an amazing holiday party, and instead of brushing and flossing, we just jump in bed. It can’t hurt, right? The holidays really throw off a lot of our normal routines, but they shouldn’t throw off your dental care routine. Neglecting our teeth during the holidays can cause problems down the road. Here’s what you need to remember, this holiday season, about caring for your smile.

Watch What You Eat

Who doesn’t love caramels, candy, toffee, cookies, fudge and all of the sweet, sugary goodies that surround us during the holidays? It seems like everywhere you look and every party you attend, there is a mound of sweet treats to enjoy. These sweet treats can wreak havoc on your smile. Not only do the sugars encourage bacteria and plaque growth, but those sticky treats can cause a lot of damage to your teeth and any fillings, crowns or bridges you may have. There is nothing that can ruin the fun of a holiday party than a crown or filling that has been removed by a sticky candy or treat. If you can, avoid the sweets during the holidays, but if not, eat them in moderation, and be mindful of chewing sticky candy.

Hard foods such as nuts, hard candies and popcorn can also be detrimental to the health of our teeth. Be mindful about chewing hard foods. These foods can cause painful chips and cracks that could require extensive dental work, and cause long term issues to your oral health.

Watch What You Drink

Just like holiday foods, holiday drinks are full of sugars that can lead to increased plaque and bacteria build up in your mouth. Ciders and sodas are tempting for kids and those spiked punches, eggnog and wine are at every party, tempting the adults. Not only do these sugary and alcohol filled drinks cause problems for your dental health but they can also make your smile look less bright. Wines and sodas can stain your teeth, making your smile look yellowed. To keep your smile bright through the holidays, avoid sugary and alcoholic drinks when possible. When you do chose these drinks, again, think moderation for a healthy smile, and use a straw to keep your smile bright and white.

Don’t Skip Your Brushing and Flossing Routine

It can be so tempting to come home from a party, family gathering, or if you just finished entertaining, to put on your pajamas and hop into bed, without brushing or flossing. This is a bad idea. Not brushing or flossing, even just a few times, can start the decay process, leading to cavities. While the holidays throw off a lot of the normal things in our life, don’t let them throw you out of your normal morning and night dental care. Keep brushing twice a day for a bright healthy smile.

Looking for a Dentist Near Clinton Twp?

Dr. Apsey and the team at Smile Brightly are here to help you keep your smile healthy and beautiful. If you are looking for a new dentist near Clinton Twp or have questions about our services, please contact us at (586) 573-7700.

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