Sterling Heights Dentist Discusses Dental Implants

Dental implants are quickly becoming a popular treatment for patients that are missing teeth or need to have teeth removed because they are damaged or unhealthy. Compared to traditional methods of replacing teeth, such as bridges, crowns or dentures, a dental implant provides permanent and stable replacement of a tooth or teeth.  Dr. Apsey and the staff at Smile Brightly want to help you have an amazing smile. If you are looking for a Sterling Heights dentist to repair your smile, here are some helpful things to know.

Why Implants Are Permanent

If you have had to have a tooth removed, you want to replace that tooth with something as natural looking and feeling as possible, especially if the missing tooth is at the front of your smile. A dental implant is placed directly into the bone of your jaw, and allowed to heal into the jaw bone. This creates a solid and permanent base for a new, natural looking tooth. Once the implant has healed, most people feel like there is little difference in how the implant feels compared to their natural teeth.

Better for Your Body

Because your dental implant is secured into the bone of your jaw, not only is it a permanent solution for a missing tooth but it is better for your jaw as well. When you lose a tooth, if it is not replaced from the jaw, the jaw bone will start to degrade over time. This process can weaken your jaw and deplete the bone. Because an implant is secured into the bone, the body is forced to build new bone around the post, strengthening the jaw and creating a stable condition for your new tooth.

Not an “Instant” Fix

It’s important to remember that while a dental implant will give you a permanent solution to a missing tooth, it isn’t a quick fix. Traditional methods for replacing a tooth such as a bridge or dentures may only take a few months to go from removing the tooth to having a replacement. If you are looking for a quick fix, traditional methods will likely appeal to you even though you will have to wait a little while and the solution isn’t permanent. If it is more important to you and your dental health to have a permanent and solid fix to a missing tooth or teeth, AND you are okay taking the time to get to the end result, then an implant is the right solution for you. From start to finish, a dental implant can take as long as 8 months. The extended time frame for replacing your tooth is based on the need to ensure that once the implant post is placed, it has plenty of time to heal into your jaw. The healing time will ensure that you have a solid structure for your new tooth and that you won’t notice the difference between the implant and your natural teeth.

Looking for a Sterling Heights Dentist?

Dental implants are a great option for replacing missing teeth. They provide you with a beautiful and permanent solution for your smile. If you have a missing tooth, an existing bridge or dentures and want a new option, Dr. Apsey and the dental professionals at Smile Brightly can answer all of your questions about implants and get you on the way to a beautiful new smile. If you are looking for a Sterling Heights dentist, Dr Apsey is located in Warren, MI just minutes away from the Sterling Heights area.

Contact Dr Apsey and the Smile Brightly Team:  (586) 573-7700