Caring for Baby Teeth- Why It’s Important

Caring for Baby Teeth- Why It’s ImportantYou may be wondering if it is really important to take care of your baby’s teeth. After all, they’re going to just fall out… Right? Wrong! Baby teeth are actually placeholders for adult teeth and are known as nature’s braces. Taking care of those tiny teeth, will pave the way for a healthy smile in your baby’s adult life. For example, if a baby tooth is lost too early, it can cause teeth to shift into the open space, making it difficult for other teeth to find room when the time comes. This can be a contributing factor to overcrowding or crooked teeth in the future.

Baby teeth are crucial for your baby’s development and overall health. They will allow your child to speak, chew and smile. When your child is born, they already have their 20 primary teeth present. They will typically make their appearance anywhere from six months to one year old. You can expect your child to have all of their 20 teeth present by the age of three.

Taking Your Baby to the Dentist

It is never a bad idea to bring your baby in for a dental visit. This should take place after their first tooth appears or before their first birthday. This well-baby checkup will see if any dental problems are occurring, such as cavities. Cavities can occur as soon as the tooth comes through. Also, your dentist can teach you how to care for their teeth and can go over any topics such as thumb-sucking or tips on breaking the pacifier habit. Try and schedule an appointment around times that are best-suited for your baby. For example, you probably wouldn’t want to schedule an appointment around nap time. You may want to avoid giving your baby snacks in the waiting room. This food can get in the baby’s teeth and make it a bit more challenging to conduct the exam.

Caring for Your Baby’s Teeth at Home

We recommend cleaning your baby’s gums as early as the first few days after birth with a damp washcloth. As soon as your baby’s first tooth appears, it is possible for decay to appear. You should start brushing your child’s teeth as soon as they appear. Brushing once in the morning and once and night is recommended, but you can always ask your dental professional if they believe any additional brushings are needed. The amount of toothpaste should be no more than the size of a grain of rice.

I Want More Information From Warren Dentist, Gregory Apsey DDS on Caring for my Baby’s Teeth!

For any questions about caring for your baby’s teeth, please feel free to give us a call here at Smile Brightly at 586-573-7700. We understand how important your new bundle of joy is to you and would love to provide them with the care and attention that their little teeth deserve.