What Type of Toothpaste is Good for Me?Today, there is a plethora of toothpaste out there on the market, implying that the prospect of finding the best product can sometimes prove a daunting task. A significant number of people are not in a position to choose the best toothpaste without the assistance of a professional.

And while you should ask your dentist to recommend the best toothpaste on your next visit, you can also embark on a journey to educate yourself on the different properties, ingredients as well as qualities of toothpaste. With this information at your disposal, you can make the best decision regarding the best toothpaste to use.

So, how does brushing your teeth work?

Before we discuss something about the available toothpaste brands, let us first understand the science behind tooth brushing.

The combination of applying toothpaste and brushing with an abrasive on it helps eliminate any bacteria as well as plaque on your teeth. Through brushing, there is some abrasion. However, you need the micro-abrasives present in toothpaste to effectively get rid of everything. It is also worth noting that there are some cleaning agents present in toothpaste that sanitize your mouth, loosening up any materials that won’t respond to liquid measures.

So, what are the benefits of fluoride toothpaste?

It is worth noting that fluoride is a crucial ingredient in toothpaste. When you consume food, you often leave traces of sugar as well as starch on your teeth. Yes, even some of the well-known healthy foods can still leave sugar in your mouth. And this sugar will eventually feed the bacteria in your mouth, resulting in plaque and tartar build-up and tooth decay.

Fluoride helps solve this particular problem in two ways; It not only adds strength to your tooth enamel but also reverses the effects of tooth decay provided it hasn’t progressed past a particular point. And the stronger your tooth, the less prone it is to decay even if you end up suffering plaque or tartar build-up. If you are not currently not using fluoride toothpaste, it is high time you integrate one into your dental routine.

Those experiencing tooth decay or who are particularly susceptible to it may need a toothpaste that is relatively higher in fluoride. A great way to establish whether you need a somewhat higher fluoride content is if you are a coffee drinker or smoker. If tooth decay is your major problem, you can instruct your dentist to recommend a toothpaste that is higher in fluoride.

When should you use fluoride-free toothpaste?

There are a few instances when you may be able to use fluoride-free toothpaste. When kids are learning to brush their teeth, they often tend to swallow paste! And this is particularly a risk if you are using flavored toothpaste. Due to this, it is highly recommended to use fluoride-free toothpaste until your kid attains the age of six and above.

You should also use fluoride-free toothpaste if you are suffering from a condition that causes you to accidentally swallow toothpaste. Extended or continued swallowing of toothpaste can potentially weaken your bones as well as ligaments.

However, if you don’t have a problem with swallowing your toothpaste, it is worth using fluoride for the reason explained above. It is important to note that you are at a fairly higher risk of bacteria build-up and cavities without it.

Sensitive toothpaste:

If you are currently experiencing receding gums and teeth wear, you should inquire from your dentist about any potential causes. After this, you may be able to start using toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Certain toothpaste features unique ingredients for tooth sensitivity. Long-acting sensitive toothpaste has potassium nitrate and should be brushed onto the dentine to help with gum repair.

Some toothpaste also contains active ingredients referred to as NovaMin. This helps repair tubules and also protects your dentine, ensuring you feel relief faster. It offers both repair and relief, which is something relatively new in the world of sensitive toothpaste.

Whitening toothpaste:

Most people are always on the lookout for a toothpaste that might help whiten their teeth. And even though the most effective tooth whitening services are only found in your dentist’s office, some types of toothpaste can provide significant results.

What makes whitening toothpaste work is the micro-abrasive available in the ingredients. These micro-abrasives effectively remove the top layer of stains on your teeth. Some whitening toothpaste also features a small amount of hydrogen peroxide which can potentially bleach a deeper layer of your tooth white. Go for toothpaste that boasts the highest content of silicates. These are the abrasives that will help eliminate stains.

To access older and darker stains, you’ll definitely need the help of a dentist. This is because no amount of whitening toothpaste will reach them!

Natural toothpaste:

If you are sensitive to some toothpaste ingredients, you may decide to go for all-natural toothpaste. Some people are allergic to the foaming flavors or agents used in toothpaste. These natural options might help relieve your allergy symptoms.

If you usually experience regular mouth sores, you could be suffering from an allergy. Have a conversation with your dentist about toothpaste sensitivities as well as allergies to rule out other issues. Thankfully, natural or herbal toothpaste has been shown to be just as effective as other manufactured toothpaste brands.

Once you identify a particular ingredient you are likely to be allergic to, you can then select toothpaste that lacks that same ingredient. However, you must make sure your toothpaste still features fluoride.

A versatile toothpaste that does it all:

If you are looking for a toothpaste that is versatile enough, look no further than Sensodyne Pronamel! It boasts fluoride content for people with tooth decay, effectively whitening abrasives for people seeking whiter teeth, the sensitivity healing qualities of other Sensodyne products, and doesn’t feature many allergenic ingredients.

A personalized toothpaste choice:

To find the best toothpaste that suits your dental needs, you will first need to assess the dental issues that often bother your health. From there, you can consult your dentist to help you find the right toothpaste that suits your needs and preferences. You can enhance your children’s safety by avoiding the use of fluoride, allergens and repairing enamel, and heal sensitive teeth based on the type of toothpaste you select!

For more information regarding your dental health,  please give Dr. Apsey of Smile Brightly Dental a call today!  We are located in Warren, MI and we can be reached at 586-573-7700!