Warren, MI Dentist:  Why Do I Need Root Canal Therapy?

Root Canal Therapy - Warren, MichiganFor any dental patient the two words “root canal” are by far the most dreaded. Even if you love your dentist and always have a good experience, the thought of major dental work can be frightening. With the improvements in dental care, most people are keeping their natural teeth longer in life. This means that more and more of our Warren dental office patients need procedures like root canal therapy to keep their smile healthy and beautiful. If you’ve recently heard those two words, here’s what you need to know about root canal therapy.

What is a Root Canal?

Your dentist may or may not have talked to you about what a root canal is, and what root canal therapy means. It’s important to understand what these are so you better understand why your dentist has recommended this procedure to you.

Your tooth contains a soft center called the pulp. The pulp runs from the crown of the tooth all the way to the bottom of the tooth, or root, in your jaw. The pulp holds the blood vessels and nerves for your tooth. The root canal refers to the “tube” that the nerves and blood vessels run through. These structures are part of a healthy tooth.

When your dentist tells you that you need root canal therapy, there’s a really good chance that your tooth has suffered some significant damage. It could be from a deep cavity that has caused an infection or decay in the pulp, a cracked tooth that is no longer healthy, or a tooth that has seen a few too many fillings or crowns. Root canal therapy is used to remove the unhealthy material in the tooth and make your tooth stable so it will last longer.

How Does Root Canal Therapy Work?

Root canal therapy used to be a really painful procedure. Even as recently as the 1990s patients were still experiencing pain and discomfort from root canal therapy. Fortunately, research and improvements in dental science have made root canal therapy a much easier and often pain-free procedure.

When you undergo root canal therapy your dentist, or endodontist, begins by using a local anesthetic to numb your tooth and surrounding tissues. An opening is then made in the top of the tooth. From this opening, the damaged or decaying pulp material is removed. Once the damaged pulp is removed, the root canals are cleaned and if there is an active infection, medicine may be placed in the tooth to clear up the infection. This generally requires the pulp cavity and root canals to remain open for a few days for the medicine to work. To protect your tooth, a temporary crown or filling will be placed over the tooth. A second appointment is necessary to fill the void in the tooth and place a permanent crown or filling over the tooth.

Why Does Root Canal Therapy Work?

Root canal therapy is a great way for a patient to keep a tooth that has suffered some sort of damage. By removing unhealthy tissue, filling the tooth with a rubber compound and sealer, and then capping with a dental filling or crow, the damaged tooth remains strong and can last many years, so long as the patient continues with good oral health practices. For many patients, being able to keep their tooth, instead of having it pulled and an implant or bridge placed, is well worth the effort of root canal therapy.

For More Information on Root Canal Therapy Contact Warren Dentist, Gregory Apsey, DDS

If you have heard those dreaded words and are looking for a gentle and caring dentist in the Warren area, Dr. Apsey and his team at Smile Brightly are here to help. For more information on our services or to schedule a dental appointment, call us today at (586) 573-7700.