Warren Dentist

Why It’s Important to Visit Your Dentist Regularly

2023-04-11T01:43:56+00:00By |Warren Dentist|

Going to the dentist regularly is important for maintaining good oral health. Even if you brush and floss your teeth daily, you still need to have professional dental cleanings and check-ups to ensure your mouth is healthy. Neglecting regular dental visits can lead to a range of oral health problems, some of which can be [...]

How does plaque lead to bleeding gums?

2020-03-20T01:05:43+00:00By |Warren Dentist|

Bleeding gums is a serious dental condition that is not well-publicized. But it is quite common and can affect anyone – at any time - who is consistently negligent in their daily oral hygiene practices. What role does plaque play in bleeding gums? In the case of bleeding gums, plaque plays a starring role. In [...]

4 Reasons to Consider Dental Implants

2019-09-10T19:38:42+00:00By |Warren Dentist|

4 Reasons to Consider Dental Implants If you have a missing tooth, chances are you have already gone through the various options available to replace your missing tooth. The field of dentistry has advanced significantly in the last few decades. These advancements have allowed dentists to approach a single problem through several solutions. Today, [...]

The Next Revolution in Dental Care

2018-03-02T14:09:08+00:00By |Warren Dentist|

The Next Revolution in Dental Care We have so many great ways to combat tooth decay. Advances in science, over many years has brought us great dental tools like fluoride toothpaste and dental sealants that are specifically designed to help us protect our teeth and keep our smiles healthy. With these readily available and [...]

Dental Bonding for a Beautiful Smile

2018-01-22T12:20:00+00:00By |Warren Dentist|

Dental Bonding for a Beautiful Smile Everyone wants to have a dazzling bright smile, but damaged or deformed teeth can prevent your smile from looking its best. Even worse is that issues with your teeth can make you feel self-conscious, and cause you to avoid smiling. Smiles are an important part of our outward appearance, [...]

Why Dental Insurance is Different from Health Insurance

2018-01-22T12:52:16+00:00By |Warren Dentist|

Why Dental Insurance is Different from Health Insurance We are often asked by our Warren area dental patients why their health insurance doesn’t cover their dental care. Many of our patients do not have dental insurance, so when it comes time for major dental repairs like crowns, root canals, and implants, many of our [...]

Solutions for Traumatic Tooth Damages

2018-01-22T12:44:38+00:00By |Warren Dentist|

Solutions for Traumatic Tooth Damages Unfortunately, we see this happen quite often: one of our Warren area dental patients comes to us in an emergency because they have lost or damaged a tooth in an accident or playing sports. When you’ve lost or damaged a tooth in a traumatic manner, you probably already feel upset [...]

Caring for Your Teeth During Pregnancy

2017-10-30T22:34:14+00:00By |Warren Dentist|

Caring for Your Teeth During Pregnancy Congratulations on your pregnancy! If you have recently found out that you are expecting a child, you are probably overwhelmed with new experiences, feelings, and what seems like an endless amount of visits to doctors and hospitals. With all that is going on with your life and your [...]

Kor Whitening – A Different Way to Whiter Teeth

2017-10-30T22:42:18+00:00By |Warren Dentist|

Kor Whitening – A Different Way to Whiter Teeth We’ve talked before in our blog about the different options that you have for whitening your teeth. With both at-home and in-office options, you really have an endless line of choices for how to get a whiter smile. Some patients are happy using a product that [...]

Your Mouth After 50: How to Slow the Aging Process

2017-09-27T13:25:39+00:00By |Warren Dentist|

Your Mouth After 50: How to Slow the Aging Process Just like the rest of your body, once you hit the milestone age of 50, things can start to change in your mouth. Unfortunately for many of our Warren dental patients, this means that they spend more time visiting the dentist. Even in retirement, [...]

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