Warren Family Gives Dental Testimony

Dr. Apsey: Hi, I’m Dr. Greg Apsey here in my office in Warren, Michigan and I have a very wonderful family of patients that comes to see me, has come to see me for a while, and I just love them and I want you to hear what they have to say about our office, and here they all are. Hi!

Warren Dental Patient: Hi, Dr. Greg!

Dr. Apsey: Hello. All these lovely people come here. So let’s start, who do we want to start with?

Warren Dental Patient: Mom.

Dr. Apsey: Mom.

Warren Dental Patient: Mom.

Dr. Apsey: Okay Mom, how about Mom first.

Warren Dental Patient: Hi, Dr. Greg.

Dr. Apsey: Hi Amy.

Warren Dental Patient: We love coming to see because you are the most patient and caring and gentle person that there is, even for us scared cats

Dr. Apsey: Thank you, how about you Pamma? What do you think about coming here?

Warren Dental Patient: I like Dr. Greg.

Dr. Apsey: Oh, I like you too. I like you very much. How about you Cassidy?

Warren Dental Patient: He cleans our teeth and that’s all

Dr. Apsey: And do you enjoy Miss Heidi and Miss Cheryl?

Warren Dental Patient: Yeah.

Dr. Apsey: Yes, okay. Hi, Margaret.

Warren Dental Patient: I like how all the people who work here are very friendly.

Dr. Apsey: Aw, thank you. Quinn, your turn. Hi, Quinn.

Warren Dental Patient: I like Dr. Greg and all the good supply, the really good supplies they have here.

Dr. Apsey: Oh, thank you, that’s a good one. Hi Nora. Hi, so, do you enjoy coming here. You’ve had a lot of things done here, Nora, and you know what? We were so happy with how well you did. You’ve been very, very brave.

Warren Dental Patient: I like it.

Dr. Apsey: You like it here? Oh, we like you too very much. Thanks for being my patient. Oh, and Lachlan, it’s your turn. What do you like about coming here to this office?

Warren Dental Patient: I like to have my clean my teeth.

Dr. Apsey: You like to have your teeth cleaned, yeah. Well, Lachlan, thank you so much, too, for being my patient.

Warren Dental Patient: You’re awesome..

Dr. Apsey: Thank you.

Warren Family Gives Dental Testimony

If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr Apsey in Warren, Michigan, please visit our website drapseydds.com or call 586-573-7700.

Warren Family Gives Dental Testimony