Hi, I’m Dr. Gregory Apsey here in Warren, Michigan. And the address here is 11270, 13 Mile Road, Suite 1A. I’m here today to discuss and to interview one of my patients who just recently had four crowns and the new precision attachment partial made, and I’m here to just let him speak and let you know how things went.

Dr. Apsey: What do you think about your new teeth? I know we’ve been, this is a bit of a long haul we’ve been on here, but how’s it going?

Patient: Well, I love them they’re great.

Dr. Apsey: How’s that smile looking?

Patient: Oh that smile is just beautiful.

Dr. Apsey: Okay, thank you. And your wife what does she think of it?

Patient: Oh she loves it too.

Dr. Apsey: Yeah?

Patient: Yup.

Dr. Apsey: Alright, let’s see. Let me get a close-up. Hey, looking good. Okay.

Patient: I smile more now too.

Dr. Apsey: Good. And how was it going through the different visits? You had several visits to get where we are right now and how were those visits for you? Would you say they were challenging or how was it for you?

Patient: They weren’t too challenging. You know, they weren’t bad. They were kind of easy.

Dr. Apsey: Okay

Patient: Not hard at all.

Dr. Apsey: And does this change your life in any way when you have this change that you’ve made for yourself with your teeth? Would you say it’s going to make a difference?

Patient: Oh, yeah. You know, I feel a lot better because of my smile, you know. That’s the most important thing.

Dr. Apsey: Right, and that you can chew too.

Patient: Well yeah, I can chew too.

Dr. Apsey: That’s important too. Alright, well thank you very much, and it’s been a pleasure working with you. Alright.