Canker Sores: A Prevalent Oral ConditionCanker Sores: A Prevalent Oral Condition

Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) or commonly known as canker sores is a periodic periodontal condition that affects nearly half of the world population. RAS entails the development of small roundish sores in the internal lining of the oral cavity. Tongue and inner part of lips can also be affected by RAS.

Forms of Canker Sores

Medical professionals have identified three forms of cankers sores.

Minor RAS: It is the most prevalent form of canker sores affecting roughly 80 percent of all the surfers of this oral condition. The sores in minor RAS remain small in size and get self-healed in a week’s time without leaving any scare.

Major RAS: It is the acute form of this oral condition which entails sores as large as one centimeter. It usually takes two weeks for this type of RAS to be off. This type of crank sores also leaves scarring in some cases.

Herpetiform RAS: It is a rare type of canker sores and accounts for five percent of all the cases. This condition entails cluster formation of smaller sores to take the shape of large ulcers. Like other RAS forms, it is also a self-limiting oral condition and gets healed in on or about a week.

Causes of Canker Sores

Medical scientists are still trying to find the definite underlying cause behind the development of canker sores. Some physiological conditions are thought to be the reason behind this oral condition.

  • Autoimmune malfunctioning in which white blood cells invade the mucosal cell lining of the oral cavity
  • Chronic gastrointestinal diseases are also believed to cause canker sores
  • Allergic and inflammatory reactions to certain foods and oral products might also result in temporary oral ulcers
  • Some diseases and nutritional deficiencies can also cause canker sores

Canker Sores, Herpes, and Cancer

Major RAS in some people instill the fear that they are suffering from any serious disease i.e. herpes, cancer. Rest assured, open sores in your mouth are not herpes or an onset of cancer if they are disappearing within a couple of weeks.

Nonetheless, as a preventive measure, you can consult doctors to get a biopsy or culture testing of the affected oral tissue to ensure that the ongoing ulcer is not a symptom of any serious disease. There is also a misconception that canker sores are contagious. RAS, regardless of its form, doesn’t get transmitted even if it entails open sores.

The Cure for Canker Sores

For now, no definite treatment is available to cure the condition of canker sores. Physicians often recommend cream and ointments for reducing the pain caused by ulcers or pacing up the process of sore formation.

What’s the Solution?

The solution for canker sores varies from case to case. For instance, people regularly suffering from canker sores due to nutritional deficiencies can get rid of this condition by modifying their diet routine on professional counsel. Only seasoned physicians and dentists can recommend a pertinent solution for reducing the recurrence of RAS. If you are suffering from canker sores more than three times a month or an ulcer keeps on existing in the oral cavity, then it’s time to consult oral health experts of Smile Brightly Dental in Warren, Michigan.  Call us today at 586-573-7700.