Warren Dentist

About Warren Dentist

Warren Dentist, Dr. Gregory Apsey has been practicing dentistry in Michigan for 27 years. He graduated from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry in 1987 and has practiced family dentistry in Macomb County ever since. He first practiced general dentistry in Fraser, Michigan and then in 1998 moved to his current location in Warren, Michigan. Dr. Apsey is a Warren family dentist who is very gentle and good with people of all ages.

Why Would I Need a Dental Extraction?

2022-12-10T14:15:13+00:00By |Dental Extraction|

There are several reasons why a person may need a dental extraction, including: Crowded teeth: If a person has too many teeth for their jaw size, their dentist may recommend extracting one or more teeth to make room for the others to align properly. Impacted Wisdom Tooth Impacted teeth: Impacted teeth are [...]

More Information on Dental Inlays

2022-12-22T21:01:39+00:00By |Dental Inlay/Onlay|

Dental inlays are a type of dental restoration that is used to repair damage to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. They are similar to dental fillings, but they are made from materials such as gold, porcelain, or composite resin, and they are designed to fit more snugly within the grooves and indentations [...]

What is the Fluoride Varnish Treatment?

2022-11-21T20:55:09+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

Fluoride Varnish Treatment- What is it? It's important for children to have good dental habits early on.  These habits may include having healthy teeth and healthy gums. It should not be a shock that your dentist will mention the importance of good oral hygiene practices even before your child's first tooth comes in. It is [...]

4 Reasons Men Should Go to the Dentist Regularly

2022-11-21T20:54:05+00:00By |Oral Health|

4 Reasons Men Should Go to the Dentist Regularly According to multiple studies, men are less likely to take care of their oral hygiene. Maintaining proper oral health comes with a multitude of benefits, including over-all health. It is less common for men to schedule regular dentist visits.  Without dental examination and diagnosis, men are [...]

What are Dental Inlays and Onlays?

2022-10-30T01:02:26+00:00By |Dental Inlay/Onlay|

What are Dental Inlays and Onlays? Dental inlay and onlay are considered a part of restorative or cosmetic dentistry.  Either can be used when the goal is to keep as much of your tooth’s natural structure as possible. They are a great solution when repairing chip or cracked teeth when a dental filling just won’t [...]

October is National Dental Hygiene Month!

2022-10-14T14:23:10+00:00By |Oral Health|

October is National Dental Hygiene Month! When we think of October we think of Trick or Treat with kids filling up their plastic pumpkins or pillowcases full of candy and sweets.  However, October is also the time of year we recognize and show our appreciation for our dental hygienists and bring awareness to dental wellness [...]

Top 5 Questions To Ask The Dentist In Your Child’s Back-to-School Appointment

2022-09-19T01:43:05+00:00By |Children's Dentistry|

Top 5 Questions To Ask The Dentist In Your Child's Back-to-School Appointment One day schools are closing, and before you know it, they are about to open. One of the essential back-to-school things for your child is a healthy smile. In some schools, a back-to-school medical exam is mandatory. Even when it's not, scheduling regular [...]

Food Choices That Help Brighten Your Teeth

2022-09-19T01:42:10+00:00By |Teeth Whitening|

Food Choices That Help Brighten Your Teeth Our teeth’s appearance matters a lot in the modern world, which is why teeth whitening is increasingly becoming a vital part of grooming. When your teeth are white, it boosts your confidence and enhances your appearance. What you ingest can significantly affect the health of your teeth and [...]

All About Antibiotic Prophylaxis, Orthopedic Implants, and Prosthetic Joints

2022-09-19T01:41:12+00:00By |Dental Problems, Oral Health|

All About Antibiotic Prophylaxis, Orthopedic Implants, and Prosthetic Joints Have you taken antibiotics prior to dental treatment, having undergone joint replacement in the past? If yes, you might no longer need to go to a pharmacy before the following procedure. According to American Dental Association, it is not crucial for most dental clients with orthopedic [...]

Vital Tips On Brushing Teeth With Braces

2022-08-26T00:46:09+00:00By |Braces|

Vital Tips On Brushing Teeth With Braces Brushing teeth after getting braces can be pretty difficult. It can seem like a lot of work, given that you must take care of your teeth and the wires and brackets. The fact is that having braces can make dental hygiene challenging to achieve because it takes more [...]

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