Dental Extraction

Why Would I Need a Dental Extraction?

2022-12-10T14:15:13+00:00By |Dental Extraction|

There are several reasons why a person may need a dental extraction, including: Crowded teeth: If a person has too many teeth for their jaw size, their dentist may recommend extracting one or more teeth to make room for the others to align properly. Impacted Wisdom Tooth Impacted teeth: Impacted teeth are [...]

Why Are Wisdom Teeth Removed?

2017-09-27T13:40:30+00:00By |Dental Extraction|

Why Are Wisdom Teeth Removed? Many of us have had our wisdom teeth removed. If you haven’t had your wisdom teeth removed, you probably know someone who has. For most of us, our wisdom teeth are removed when we are young, usually in our late teens or early twenties. We generally don’t understand why [...]

Dental Extractions: Why Are They Important?

2017-05-19T16:51:13+00:00By |Dental Extraction|

Dental Extractions: Why Are They Important? Dental extractions are often an important and necessary part of having a healthy smile. We remove teeth for a variety of reasons, but almost always it’s because the tooth can no longer stay in the mouth and be a healthy part of your body. When we suggest to one [...]

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