How Long Can I Go Without Getting a Root Canal?

How Long Can I Go Without Getting a Root Canal?Your dentist has suggested you get a root canal done to clear an infection in your tooth. However, you’re worried for some reason and keep postponing this appointment. So, you want to know how long you can delay the root canal and what the consequences are. Read to learn more.

It’s common for people to miss the first appointment for undertaking the procedure, but this should not motivate you to give up going for that appointment. The earlier you undertake this procedure, the more you benefit in terms of expenses and pain.

People fail to get the root canal procedure on time because they are unsure about the process.

What Does The Root Canal Procedure Entail?

If you and your dentist decide that a root canal is needed, they will likely give you an antibiotic to prevent the infection from worsening. This means you shouldn’t wait too long after taking the antibiotic, or the infection will resurface.

The procedure takes about 2 hours, but you may need to visit the doctor severally to assess the damage. Before the start of the procedure, the dentists administer local anesthesia to numb the site. Then, they’ll dry the area around the tooth using a rubber sheet before drilling it to get to where the infection has established itself.

Afterward, they remove the damaged nerve tissue and pulp, which involves scrubbing out debris and infected tissues using files. Your dentist will then use water or sodium hypochlorite to wash off the waste coming from the infected area.

After the procedure, the dentist will seal the tooth on the same day. If there’s a need for more medication to clear out the infection, you may be requested to return after a week for the sealing.

For the latter, they’ll place a temporary filling to keep the food and saliva from contaminating it. After the sealing, the dentist may put a crown on the tooth to keep it in place for more time.

Why You Should Avoid Delay In Getting A Root Canal

We understand that some people are scared of the procedure because it comes with a bit of discomfort. However, postponing a root canal procedure could lead to complications. Let’s discuss them below:

Abscess – a common complication of a delayed root canal is an abscess or an accumulation of pus on the infected tooth. This requires emergency treatment.

Bone loss – the bacteria that cause an infection may attack the tooth root if given more time, leading to bone loss.

Swelling – with increased infection, you may end up with a swollen neck, head, and face. This also comes with increased blood pressure.

Sepsis – if the bacteria are allowed to multiply, they may find their way into the bloodstream, leading to sepsis. This is a life-threatening condition that could cause damage to some body organs.

Bottom Line

If your dentist has set a date for your root canal procedure, you better not postpone or wait for too long before undergoing the procedure. Even if the pain disappears, it doesn’t mean the problem is gone. Are you looking for the right dentist to carry out this procedure? We are here for a root canal procedure and more dental checkups.

For more information regarding your dental health,  please give Dr. Apsey of Smile Brightly Dental a call today!  We are located in Warren, MI and we can be reached at 586-573-7700!