dentist near Madison HeightsToothpaste is something that not a lot of people probably pay close attention to; life is busy, and there are many stresses and concerns that trump this relatively trivial matter. According to a dentist near Madison Heights , for those interested in optimizing your oral health, giving your toothpaste a couple minutes of thought is highly worthwhile.

Toothpaste is a bit of an essential for the modern world, and the majority of the population uses it on a daily basis. Because of this, companies have produced an endless supply of toothpaste types, styles and flavors hoping to cash in on the huge demand. Therefore, it can be difficult to navigate the plethora of options available.

Dr. Apsey, a dentist near Madison Heights, has compiled a couple of tips to help you choose the right toothpaste.

Fluoride or Not?

Almost all of the toothpaste sold in the U.S. contains fluoride in one form or another. While there is some debate here, the American Dental Association indicates brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoride infused toothpaste is the best practice for oral hygiene. This is due to fluoride toothpastes’ proven cavity fighting ability. There are quite a few varieties to choose from, and all of which appear to be similar in cavity-fighting ability and safety. Particularly for anyone with cavity prone teeth, making sure you have fluoride toothpaste is key.

To Whiten or Not?

This is a big topic and could easily have its own dedicated article. When looking for the right toothpaste, be aware of whitening toothpastes. Some of these products are great, others not so much because they can contain abrasive chemicals which can damage your teeth. If your teeth suddenly become extra sensitive while using one of these pastes, you should definitely consider changing. Strong, healthy teeth are more important than artificially white ones.

Is Organic Worth it?

If you view fluoride negatively, there are other options for you. Organic toothpastes are made from all natural ingredients and contain no added chemicals. If you are conscious of the environment or want to avoid some of the ingredients non-organic toothpaste contains, organic toothpaste may be right for you. But be aware that organic toothpaste can often taste poorly.

At the end of the day, toothpaste does a lot more than simply clean your teeth. Depending on what type you choose, it can help fight cavities, strengthen your teeth, and remove unwanted stains. If you have sensitive teeth, or specific allergies, there are toothpastes designed especially for you. It doesn’t take much effort, but finding the perfect toothpaste is actually quite important. Still not exactly sure? Talking to a dentist near Madison Heights is always a good place to start.

If you live in the greater Detroit area and are looking for a dentist near Madison Heights , please contact Dr. Apsey and the Smile Britely team. We would be more than happy to create a healthy oral health regimen just for you.