7 Lies Your Dentist Knows You’re Telling

7 Lies Your Dentist Knows You’re TellingAlmost every one of us lies, one time or the other in our lives, but when it comes to the dentist, people seem to stretch it too far. And amusingly, dentists know it. In this article, we share with you some lies that patients tell and which can prove to be obstructive to the treatment and even lead to adverse outcomes. These lies must be avoided at all costs since they can lead to serious health consequences.

Here are the 7 lies your dentist knows you are telling.

Lie #1: “That doesn’t hurt”

Sure, you may affirm of not having pain, but your eyes tell the tale. The flinching or contracting of eyes and the tightened legs are evidence of the patient’s pain. This agony can be avoided simply by speaking about the pain experienced during treatment or by ingesting dentist-approved painkillers before the appointment.

Lie #2: “I don’t smoke”

The staining of teeth due to tobacco is very common. Further, dentists can tell if a person smokes, simply by smelling a patient’s clothes or examining the fingers. Therefore, it’s useless to try and trick your dentist into believing otherwise. Instead of lying, quit smoking as it heightens the risk for cancer. Seeking alternatives like snuff and tobacco are not safe either as they can cause gum diseases, tooth decay, and tooth loss, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Lie #3: “I rarely drink soda”

Soda drinks, lemonade, and few citrus fruits can erode away the protective layer of the enamel in a particular pattern that is easily detectible to a dentist. The regular consumption of soda instigates various health problems, along with dental afflictions. So, avoid sipping the soft drinks altogether, and if you’re into sweet, acidic juices, then rinse your mouth afterward.

Lie #4: “I floss regularly”

Dentists can easily distinguish patients who floss from those who don’t by checking up the presence of plaque below the gums. The presence of plaque under gums gives away if a person is flossing or not. If you don’t already do it, floss daily to avoid gingivitis or other gum diseases.

Lie #5: “I lost the way to your office”

Dentists know that patients fear dental examinations. Making all sorts of excuses for evasion from these visits is of no use, and in fact, delays can lead to more dental problems in the future. Your dentist will help you deal with your anxieties if you tell them the truth.

Lie #6: “I don’t consume alcohol very often”

Dentists can detect alcohol consumption by its distinct smell and the dry mouth of patients. Alcohol interferes with the salivary glands and reduces saliva production, which leads to dry mouth and also increases one’s risk of oral cancer. Seek professional help if you’re a heavy drinker.

For more information regarding your dental health,  please give Dr. Apsey of Smile Brightly Dental a call today!  We are located in Warren, MI and we can be reached at 586-573-7700!

Lie #7: “I don’t grind my teeth at night”

Frequent headaches or muscle pain around jaws is a sign of nocturnal bruxism. Therefore, do not deny or lie about tooth grinding just because you are unaware of it. You may need a bite guard or a dental device to protect against this unintended practice.

Trying to trick your dentist into believing what is not true is not the best approach, rather working on these problems and building rapport with the dentist might help you get effective and desirable treatment.

For more information regarding your dental health,  please give Dr. Apsey of Smile Brightly Dental a call today!  We are located in Warren, MI and we can be reached at 586-573-7700!