Well, that is,  in your sinus cavity anyways.  Above your upper teeth there is a large open space called  the maxillary sinus.  This sinus, involved in filtering the air you breath, may become inflamed especially if you are prone to seasonal allergies.   Often, in the fall or spring in Warren, Michigan, Dr. Gregory Apsey finds that many of his patients will call the office with toothaches.  On examining them, he finds that in many cases, the pain is not related to the teeth, but instead, pressure from the inflamed sinus is causing the nagging pain in the teeth.  Usually the symptoms include cold sensitivity, tenderness to chewing, and a full or uncomfortable feeling above the teeth.  Dr. Gregory Apsey usually recommends sinus medication, nasal irrigation with salt water, and time to allow the sinus to calm down.  The tooth pain usually subsides quickly once the sinus is healed.  Sometimes a visit to the ENT and antibiotics are necessary to treat the sinus if it has become infected.

If pain continues, there may be another problem.  A thorough dental examination with Dr. Apsey will help to determine if there are any other problems.

About the Author:  Dr. Gregory Apsey practices dentistry in Warren, Michigan.  He is a General Dentist with focus on excellence in family dental care, braces, root canal treatment, mercury-free dentistry, veneers, crowns, bridges, dentures, and implant restoration.  He has been practicing in the area for 23 years, is a graduate of The University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Faculte for Orthodontic research and Education, and the Academy of General Dentistry.  You will feel at home in his friendly, welcoming office.