Braces Vs. Invisible Aligners - Warren Dentist

Braces Vs. Invisible

Many of our patients at our Warren dental office ask us about braces vs. invisible aligners. Perhaps they are looking to make small differences in the straightness of their teeth, or maybe they have a misaligned bite and many crooked teeth that they want corrected. We work with each patient to determine the best course of action for them depending on their dental needs. However, we still get many of the same questions about the differences between these two orthodontic options and how to decide which option is best. If you are considering having your smile straightened, here are the differences between traditional braces and invisible aligners.

Braces – The Basics

When most patients think about having their teeth straightened, they most often think about traditional style braces. Braces are metal or resin brackets that are glued directly to the face of the tooth. These brackets are connected by a wire, that when installed by a dental professional, move the teeth into a new position. This method of moving teeth has been in practice for many years, and is what comes to mind for most people considering a straighter smile.

Invisible Aligners – The Clear Choice

Invisible aligners are a relatively new option for straightening teeth, compared with braces. The first invisible aligners hit the market in 1997. They weren’t very popular, and it wasn’t until the early 2000’s that this technology really started to take off. Invisible aligners work by using a series of clear plastic trays that are created from computer generated models of your current mouth structure, and your mouth where your teeth will end up. Each tray is worn for two or three weeks, and because each is slightly different than the tray before, they move your teeth into a slightly new position. Because the trays are clear plastic, they are often difficult to see, and allow a person to move their teeth without the obvious appearance of braces.

There are many factors that should be considered when deciding between traditional braces and invisible aligners. The most important factor being the complexity of the movement. If your teeth are very crooked or you have a severe bite issue, your best choice is probably braces. Braces can move teeth quicker and make more complex movements possible.

The next factor is age. Braces are generally great for pre-teens and teenagers. Because their bones are still “soft”, their teeth can move quickly and without much detriment to the jaw. As we age, our jaw bones become harder, and it becomes harder to move teeth. For adults, a gentler and slower movement is better, so invisible aligners may be a better choice.

The next factor is aesthetics. Lots of adults don’t want a mouth full of metal. Invisible aligners are a great option for adults who want to have a straighter smile, but don’t want the world to know they are wearing “braces”.

The last factor to consider is cost. Cost with teeth straightening is often based on time. The longer you are in braces or invisible aligners, the higher the cost. However, in general, braces are a more cost-friendly option. Families that need to straighten smiles may find that braces are a better and more budget-friendly option for their kids. Adults who are straightening their own smiles may not care so much about the cost, so long as they don’t have to have a mouth full of braces.

Either option can be right for you. If you are ready to take the leap into a straighter smile, Warren Dentist, Dr. Apsey and the team at Smile Brightly are here to answer all of your questions, and help you find the option that is best for you and your smile. For more information on our services, please call our Warren dental office at (586) 573-7700.